La-z-Boy Augmented Reality Demo

This project was a self driven "Hire Me" package done for La-Z-boy for their Digital Designer position.

I wanted to show them that I possesed each skill listed on the job posting, so i created a marketing kit for the company to simulate a "release" of an Augemented Reality application where they can have a user download the app, go home, and let the user view the furniture in the specific space of the house in actual size and use this as a marketing tool that can be handed out to customers. I completed this in 2016 when AR was really an emerging medium. the package included an envelope with a multi page brochure on how to use the app and a clip on USB drive for them to download the app (this would be a link if it were to be real instead of a drive) I went into my local La-Z-Boy took photos of their furniture for the app and brochure and printed everything myself as well.


Photoshop, Unity, C#, 3ds Max

Another Project

Tangible Table App